Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted...

Yep, I did it. I walked to my polling place (a school 1/2 mile from my home) gave them my ID, signed on the dotted line and was given my ballot. In our county, we get paper ballots and we draw a line between two lines. It seems kind of primitive, considering they were just starting electronic voting in Texas when we moved away. 5 years later, Ventura County, CA still has paper ballots. I had a little helper, too. She kept walking over to the "polling officials" and talking to them. They gave her a sticker. After we left, I asked her if she voted and she said, "yes, I did!" Then I asked who she voted for. She said, "I voted for a snack and a sticker!" I guess when you are three years old, those are good things to vote for. Julia did not repeat the same answers when asked again about voting, but here is some video of her in all her cuteness:

While I was voting, one of the 3rd grade classes did a quick (and quiet) walk through. 20 3rd graders were a lot less distracting than one 3.5 year old girl. But hey, she's cute and she's my kid!


Anonymous said...

So...who do I cut the redistribution check to and when do I do it?

Mary Anne Whiteley said...

I think that will be to Julia, of course, since she's the cute kid in the video! :)