Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Cards

I'm still waiting on my shipment of Christmas Cards to send them out. I'm not being a slacker, really! I probably ought to get a new ink cartridge too. I never address the envelopes by hand because my penmanship is horrible. I rely on help from Canon and MS Word to help me with my "calligraphy" each year. I'm sure the post office appreciates it!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry - you and your brother are in great company. He and Annie haven't sent them out either (or we haven't received one yet).

Have you noticed how 99% of people send pictures of themselves these days and half of them are basically Polaroids stick into a long piece of construction paper?

Mary Anne Whiteley said...

You mean like the ones you guys sent out? ;)

I think my brother doesn't send out a darn card ever and Annie is about 8 months pregnant and has 3 kids aged 3, 2 and 1, so that is an excuse. In fact, I think she mentioned them being late this year. For what it's worth, I don't think my mom has sent any out yet either and may not be in the mood. She had to put 15 year old Millie down the other day and is pretty torn up over it.