Saturday, January 24, 2009

New digs!

Well, I finally got around to learning how to customize my blog into something that is more my style. I did acquire the background and information as to how to put it in at The Cutest Blog on the Block, but the rest I pretty much did on my own. The header or banner or whatever you call it, I did use the background I got from Cutest Blog but modified it to create a banner using Paint Shop Pro. I also used the same software to create my signature. I'm having a lot of fun doing this, and don't be surprised to see more changes in the future!


Anonymous said...

Dudette - that is super purple.

Mary Anne Whiteley said...

Well, I like purple. :) But never fear, as soon as I find something else I like, I will probably modify it again. I can see myself making changes on a monthly basis.